


All authors will be paid at least £100.


Please be brave, strange, charming, or funny. Please do not be orthodox. Please do not rely on the reader's knowledge of classics. 

Texts may or may not be driven by narrative.

Don't worry about this necessarily – you might just as well send a plain old story and we can organise everything else afterwards. But you might want to:

Divide your submission into chunks. Above each chunk insert a timestamp to indicate when it should be released. A timestamp looks like this: [18:35] Or: [06:22].  

The space of time between chunks might be two seconds or five hours. Remember you're creating a rhythm here, whether regular, sporadic, or something more complex. 

Also remember each tweet is attached to a real-life time of day. And it appears in a public landscape. 

Essentially we need to decide how to structure the release of your story.  

Each chunk will be tweeted as an image, but keep it below 500-ish characters (including spaces).   

The maximum total duration of each submission is two weeks.

If you have something that might fit but you're not sure how, send us a sort of pitch. 

All submissions must be original. 

During a submission window, send one or two pieces to